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The basics of survival swimming can be introduced to infants as early as 4 months old. There are two main approaches to infant lessons and your goals for your child will help determine which approach is taken.
If your goal for your infant is to be (independently) self-safe at this age, we recommend 3-5 lessons a week for about 3 months. Once your infant learns to successfully roll to their back and float independently, we will then determine how many lessons are needed each week to ensure they maintain their survival skills. 

If your goal for your infant is to feel more comfortable and confident in the water and to focus on their survival skills later, we recommend 1-3 lessons a week until you feel ready for us to begin their survival skills. Once we reach that point, we will increase their lessons to 3-5 times a week for about 3 months. 

Please know that with either approach it is common for your infant to cry. Crying is how infants communicate and it is important to keep in mind that these are new surroundings and circumstances to which they are not yet comfortable with. Starting on day one, we work to build a bond with your child to ensure their growth and success in the water. Consistency is key in your child’s progress.
*Double Diapers required to enter the pool if not fully toilet trained.
*Infants/Toddlers/Children all schedule under Individual 1:1 Lessons! So don't worry about which level they're at currently~!


With our toddlers, we like to start right into the foundations of survival swimming. Toddlers will learn to have their face underwater, swim on their stomachs, roll to their back, float, jump, and swim down for toys from different depths of the pool.


We understand toddlers are often very opinionated and this is something we take into consideration during their lessons. We will work to build up their confidence and to know their own personal limits in the water, all while learning safe swimming practices.


We recommend starting toddlers out with 3-5 lessons a week for about 3 months.  

Once your child has mastered their foundations of survival swimming, we will begin building and developing each skill with a more productive lesson plan. This is where we test your child in more real-life situations and help them strengthen their decision-making skills in the water. Our goal is to have your child feel confident in their ability to navigate in the water safely.  

Toddlers will remain in the productive lesson plans until they are old enough to be introduced to stroke work. At this level we will determine how many lessons are needed each week to ensure they maintain their survival skills.  


Please know that is it common for your toddler to cry during their lessons. This is often how toddlers express their frustrations, and it is important to keep in mind that these are new surroundings and circumstances to which they are not yet comfortable with. Starting on day one, we work to build a bond with your child to ensure their growth and success in the water. Consistency is key in your child’s progress.  â€‹


*Double Diapers required to enter the pool if not fully toilet trained. 

*Infants/Toddlers/Children all schedule under Individual 1:1 Lessons! So don't worry about which level they're at currently~!




Children will be assessed to determine what skill level they should start with in our lesson plans. In this age group we want to be sure your child is comfortable and confident having their face underwater, swimming on their stomachs, rolling to their back, floating, jumping, and retrieving toys from different depths of the pool.

If your child has not taken lessons with us prior to this age group, don't worry!, we will take into consideration their current skills and we will focus on strengthening these skills before moving them onto more advanced swimming techniques or stroke work.

Every child is unique in how they learn and at what pace will be appropriate for their lessons. Once we know what level your child is at, we can help determine how many lessons would be best for them weekly to build-up their skills. 

Once your child has mastered their foundations of survival swimming, we will begin building and developing each skill with a more productive lesson plan and moving forward into stroke work.

*Double Diapers required to enter the pool if not fully toilet trained.

*Infants/Toddlers/Children all schedule under Individual 1:1 Lessons! So don't worry about which level they're at currently~!

Teens & Adults

At this level we can customize lesson plans to meet your individual goals. Some prefer to build confidence and work on more basic skills, while others want to work on perfecting their stroke work, or even strengthening their Breathwork capabilities. Adult lessons are available during the day/eveings/ and weekends, but will need to be directly scheduled with Kate. Please see our contact page if you need her information. We are happy to tailor your lesson to ensure you make the most of your time.
Custom group lessons can be arranged.
Whatever your goal is at this level, we can help!
*Adults include anyone 16+
*Adults will have their own individual lesson time, however, adults do not qualify for our "Individual 1:1 Lessons". 
*Infants/Toddlers/Children all schedule under Individual 1:1 Lessons! So don't worry about which level they're at currently~!

Maintenance For All Programs

Once you are happy with where your child’s progress is, we recommend continuing lessons for 1-3 times a week to maintain their survival skills. We never want to stop lessons all together as this can lead to regression very quickly.
Just like with anything else, "Perfect practice makes perfect!"

Mommy & Me Class


with, Kate

(Ages 6months+)


Come join us for our Mommy & Me Class where we will go through our lesson plans step by step to teach you and your child how to work together in the pool. We want our parents feeling safe and comfortable helping their kiddos practice and maintain their swimming skills in the pool. This class is also great for parents just wanting to see what we are all about and getting more comfortable with the water as well.
We have had the best group of Moms for all of us Mom's that have a hard time getting out and being social!! ;)
*Double Diapers required to enter the pool if not fully toilet trained.
*Parents are in the water with their littles for this class~!
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